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Plain Glass

Plain glass, also known as clear or float glass, is one of the most commonly used types of glass in construction and various applications. It is called “float glass” because of the method used to manufacture it. This type of glass is created by floating molten glass on a bed of molten metal (usually tin) during the manufacturing process, resulting in a perfectly flat and uniform surface with excellent optical clarity.

One of the primary characteristics of plain glass is its transparency. It allows visible light to pass through almost undistorted, making it ideal for windows, doors, and other architectural elements that require natural light transmission. Its optical clarity ensures that it does not introduce any significant color distortion, providing a clear view of the outside world.

Plain glass is also versatile and can be used in various forms, such as sheets, panes, or custom-cut pieces to fit specific applications. It can be used in residential and commercial buildings for windows, skylights, glass doors, and even glass partitions, contributing to open and well-lit spaces.

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